Sunday, October 30, 2016

A Change of Paradigm or Just another Philanthropy Cause 
The vision of many people is that many global problems we face can be solved through the creation of Social Business. This is a form of business that is mainly driven by a cause, rather than by traditional business school objectives such as profit maximization with minimal investment and cost reduction. The social business concept goes far beyond accomplishing personal or investor goals. It is focused on the human being and seeks to achieve one or more social objectives through a company. In this new form of a company doing things well, all costs are covered so that investors or owners recover their investment, albeit through a reduced dividend distribution policy that places the social cause first, thus bringing a new perspective to what is morally ethical. This new concept of social business allows obtaining benefits, but under the condition that benefits are maintained in the company and reinvested; investors and shareholders receive a fair retribution equal for their investment and always will make some profits. Thus, social business brings a new dimension to the business world and a new sense of social awareness among the community. If social objectives can be achieved more efficiently and effectively by adopting a social business format that is sustainable, then, why not take this venue? Why give up the notion of profit, if it has established itself in mankind as a key performance indicator? To abandon the idea is quite illogical and contravenes the essence of the human beings. To do so would cause great surprise. To be totally clear: social business does not ask people to give up a retribution for their effort. The idea of "giving something up" were usually a cause of a tremendous shock in any human. This paradigm for social enterprise does not ask anyone to "give anything up." Rather, it proposes that if you are concerned about a social problem, you can make a significant contribution, perhaps even through your current activities, to solve a problem that involves all of us. Perhaps this could even open a door that leads to solving a world problem. It is up to you, to reinvest the company's money in itself and make it grow, which will benefit everyone within, from the janitor to the owner; its customers; the community as a whole, the region, the country and perhaps even the planet. With this practice, you will be making a contribution towards humanizing the economy, a purpose that has long been lost due to the greed of people in all sectors due to their lack of business ethics education, and lack of solidarity to the disadvantage in the economic system.
Bernardo Javalquinto, Economist

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Democracia bajo presión "Los politicos deberían tener que acumular méritos según los servicios prestados a la comunidad. Entonces podriamos votar por ellos"
Por la baja participación ciudadana 5,7% en las municipales. Ahora los parlamentarios quieren volver a la obligatoriedad de elegir a los representantes del pueblo. Todos los países que pasan del subdesarrollo al desarrollo viven las mismas experiencias, al principio somos desorganizados, la población crece y exigen mayores demandas, hasta que la gente aprende a convivir con una sociedad de acorde a las voluntades de todos los actores del sistema. Si comenzamos a analizar lo que nos está sucediendo en nuestro país. Lo primero que debemos preguntarnos es ¿Qué es el gobierno? Las palabras "gobierno", "política", "poder" y "democracia", deben estar claramente definidas. La dificultad es que los cientistas políticos, intelectuales, filósofos, gobernantes y reyes nunca han sido capaces de llegar a un acuerdo completo sobre el significado de estos términos. El filósofo griego Platón y su discípulo Aristóteles especulan sobre su significado, y el proceso ha continuado hasta nuestros días. Teniendo en cuenta que no hay definiciones universales o un significado perfecto existente, todavía podemos discutir las palabras y llegar a un concepto general de lo que significan. Hoy tenemos un “Gobierno Democrático” y una “Sociedad cambiante”. El sistema político se relaciona con la gente, y el tamaño de la de la población afecta al sistema. De igual importancia es la naturaleza cualitativa de la población: quiénes son, dónde viven, cómo trabajan, cómo se mueven, y muchos otros factores nos afectan. Todos estos factores y muchos más nos hacen ver cómo el sistema político funciona, en otras palabras, podemos ver como el sistema es afectado en cierta medida en el marco social, económico y cultural que nos rodea. Como la sociedad cambia, las respuestas del gobierno probablemente cambien también. El Gobierno reacciona a los cambios básicos en la naturaleza de una sociedad, trata de adaptar los programas y la toma de decisiones para satisfacer las necesidades y las demandas cambiantes de los ciudadanos. Los cambios en la población también son muy importantes políticamente, por ejemplo, los datos del censo 2000 confirmó y revelo que el equilibrio de la población no había ha cambiado sustentablemente del censo anterior y ya vimos que nos dijo el fiasco del Censo anterior. “Nada”, todo esto muestra el impacto de las personas que tendrá en el Gobierno de turno y también como el gobierno afecto a la gente y lo más importante como los ciudadanos afectaran al gobierno. El sistema estadounidense de gobierno se basa en el concepto de que el poder viene del pueblo al gobierno. Thomas Jefferson lo expresó elocuentemente cuando escribió en la Declaración de Independencia que "Para garantizar estos derechos se instituyen Gobiernos entre los hombres, derivando a ser justos en los poderes del estado con el consentimiento de los gobernados.” Abraham Lincoln expresó el mismo pensamiento en su discurso de Gettysburg, al hablar del "gobierno del pueblo, por el pueblo y para el pueblo". Nuestro país debe hacer un análisis, urgente para poder ver la relación: Gobierno y ciudadanos, marco constitucional, sistema democrático, libertades civiles y ciudadanía, discrepancias por los derechos civiles igualitarios, opinión pública, grupos de interés, relación medios de prensa y política, partidos políticos, campañas políticas y candidatos, conducta de los votantes y las elecciones, el rol del congreso, el presidente, la burocracia, justicia, relaciones internacionales y seguridad nacional, gobierno y sistema económico, promoviendo el bien general del país, y el estado con los gobiernos regionales. Esta es nuestra tarea; si logramos ordenar los conceptos. Entonces tendremos una democracia sin presiones y desacuerdos. Porque todos estaremos hablando el mismo idioma y avanzando tranquilamente con lógica y sentido común. Pero si las autoridades, políticas, judiciales, policiales, económicas, religiosas y todos no se ponen de acuerdo y toman decisiones por nosotros entonces nunca vamos a poder salir del subdesarrollo. El único rol del gobierno es proteger, enriquecer (calidad de vida) y empoderar a sus ciudadanos. Pero el aparto esta obsoleto y mediocre para los tiempos que vivimos. Mientras sigan los parlamentarios que también ya se acostumbraron a la buena vida. No tienen el derecho moral y menos ético de obligarnos hacer lo que ellos creen que es correcto. Por que no lo es.
Bernardo Javalquinto
2015 International Award Sciacca Vatican City, Economics award
2014 WRE recognizes Dr. Bernardo Javalquinto as world renowned social business expert.
2012 - 14 Full member Chilean Human Rights Commission, National Counselor
2011 Argentinean Congress "Latin American Leaders for Economic Development" Award
2008 Argentinean Congress "Latin American Leaders for Economic Development" Award
Celular: + 56 9 9 155 7014

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Economia y Negocios Sociales: Combate à pobreza passa pela economia solidária, d...

Economia y Negocios Sociales: Combate à pobreza passa pela economia solidária, d...: Combate à pobreza passa pela economia s...

Combate à pobreza passa pela economia solidária, defende o especialista Bernardo Javalquinto
Combate à pobreza passa pela economia solidária, defende o especialista Bernardo Javalquinto
Um dado alarmante sobre a mensuração da pobreza, o de que um terço da humanidade vive com menos de US$ 2 por dia, continua a desafiar cientistas sociais, acadêmicos, economistas e gestores públicos. O agravante é que várias correntes se dividem sobre a origem e sobre como dar respostas a essa distorção. O professor Bernardo Javalquinto, porém, é convicto quanto à solução mais adequada: só a economia solidária é capaz de dar dignidade aos mais de 2,6 bilhões de humanos que vivem na pobreza ou abaixo dela.
Empreendimentos solidários são definidos como os que colocam o ser humano no centro das atividades de produção, consumo, distribuição e finanças, ou seja, como sujeito e finalidade da ação econômica. “Negócios fundados em relações de colaboração solidária podem resolver os grandes problemas globais, pois a centralidade no ser humano – verdadeiro capital de uma empresa – leva a uma economia justa, de prosperidade para todos”, defendeu o economista Bernardo Javalquinto, especialista em empreendedorismo social e fundador da ENS (Escola de Negócios Sociais), do Chile.
Javalquinto esteve na Universidade Metodista de São Paulo dia 10 de setembro para falar sobre “Los negocios sociales, uma reforma al modelo global”, a convite da Cátedra Prefeito Celso Daniel de Gestão de Cidades. Segundo sua visão, o capitalismo falhou como instrumento de desenvolvimento e democratização do bem-estar humano, mas não deve ser descartado como mola propulsora da economia, desde que não seja predador e beneficie poucos como na atualidade.
Respeito ao homem
“É preciso subverter o modo como se fazem negócios hoje. Se é válida a preocupação em maximizar benefícios com redução de custos e com preservação da biodiversidade, também temos de priorizar o respeito ao homem”, dissertou. Entusiasta de que os objetivos sociais dão mais eficiência à economia, ele cita a adesão ao modelo de sua Escola de Negócios Sociais por parte de 42 universidades espalhadas pelo mundo,  entre as quais a lendária Harvard dos Estados Unidos.

Também citou empresas que passaram a desenvolver consciência crítica em relação ao modelo atual de alta competitividade, trabalho a qualquer custo, tecnologias submetendo o homem, e não sendo colocadas a serviço do bem-estar comum. “Volkswagen, P&G, Intel, Adidas, Arcelor Mital e Danone entenderam que inovação, desenvolvimento, responsabilidade ambiental, educação e justiça têm que ser oportunidade de todos”, expôs, acrescentando: “Algo funciona mal quando só se trabalha e não se tem relações sociais nem qualidade de vida”.
Também consultor em projetos de impacto social, Bernardo Jovalquinto anunciou estudos que colocam Brasil e América do Sul como as novas apostas geográficas dos investimentos mundiais, sobretudo de árabes e chineses. Exortou os latinos a preparem a infraestrutura urbana e sobretudo os negócios sociais.

Bom pagador

Parceiros no Seminário Internacional promovido pela Cátedra Celso Daniel da Universidade Metodista, o Banco do Povo Crédito Solidários e a SBCSol (Incubadora de Empreendimentos Solidários de São Bernardo) também expuseram cenários de como a economia solidária se expande.

Com foco justamente na população das periferias e no desempregado que não tem acesso a serviços financeiros, o Banco do Povo saiu de uma carteira ativa de 389 pessoas e R$ 466 mil em 2007 para 3.967 beneficiários e R$ 5,9 milhões no ano passado. A inadimplência há quatro anos é inferior a 2%, atingindo taxa de 0,73% em 2013. “Provamos que pobre é bom pagador e cresce”, afirmou o superintendente da instituição, Almir da Costa Pereira.

Além do perfil de incubadora de empreendimentos solidários, cujo alvo são pequenos negócios familiares e de baixa renda, a SBCSol adotou um modelo misto, pois tem como pano de fundo a mão forte do poder público e da academia, no caso a parceria da Metodista, que oferece assessoria de gestão. A coordenadora técnica Vanderléia Sena Pereira mostrou que a união de prática e conhecimentos evidencia que uma outra forma de economia é possível. São 20 empreendimentos incubados sob o conceito de cooperativismo, solidariedade, compartilhamento de custos e experiências. Dez dos micronegócios já estão em fase de formalização.
Veja abaixo a entrevista de Bernardo Javalquinto à Metodista:

Friday, May 16, 2014

Firman acuerdo para dictar cursos sobre economía social

Firman acuerdo para dictar cursos sobre economía social

Edición Impresa: viernes, 16 de mayo de 2014
Firman acuerdo para dictar cursos sobre economía social
Se firmó ayer en Mendoza un acuerdo entre la Universidad del Aconcagua y la Escuela de Negocios Sociales. A partir del convenio, de carácter económico y educativo de nivel internacional, se realizarán cursos basados en las teorías del doctor Nobel Mohammad Yunus, premio Nobel de la Paz 2006.

Yunus es el creador de la teoría "Economía Solidaria del Milenio" y "Tercera Economía". Entre sus fundamentos, se destaca la postura de generación de pymes que brinden trabajo a la mayor cantidad de personas posibles.

Además, cuestiona el otorgamiento de subsidios y prebendas, considerando que "todos deben aportar trabajo para promover riqueza que termine con el analfabetismo, se obtenga mayor salud". El acuerdo fue sellado en la sede de la Universidad por el rector Osvaldo Caballero y el presidente de la Escuela de Negocios Sociales, Bernardo Javalquinto.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Economia y Negocios Sociales: Income and wealth inequality

Economia y Negocios Sociales: Income and wealth inequality: Income and wealth inequality is a great moral, economic and political issue of our time, has to be addressed by Congress, and needs to be...

Income and wealth inequality

Income and wealth inequality is a great moral, economic and political issue of our time, has to be addressed by Congress, and needs to be discussed thoroughly by all citizens. That is the main reason for the School of Social Business, If you swear to be developed as "we all say we are" Inequality for all, someone should do a documentary for the first time in our reality show, and discuss in public our true reality. 

Professor Yunus, Nobel Peace Prize, has a new vision to solve global problems we see today, every day, in every corner of the world. Social business is a cause-driven business. In a social business, the investors or owners may slowly be recovering the money invested, but cannot take the entire dividend beyond a point where it is morally ethical. That point is still difficult to understand, but there are countries that are doing it. The purpose of the investment, as you learn in conventional business schools, is to maximize profits with minimal investment and with greater cost savings.

Social businesses go far beyond just accumulating personal wealth. Social businesses to achieve one or more social objectives through the operation of the company, is more than just personal gain or desired by investors. The company must cover all costs and make a profit at the same time, in this way, achieve also a social objective. Objectives such as health care for the poor, housing, financial services, problems of poor nutrition, recovery and proper nutrition for malnourished children, providing safe drinking water, introducing renewable energy, youth employment (young men/women), women empowerment, elder issues, fair wages, business brought in an ethical manner and many other issues not considered the current economic system.

The success of social business is measured by the impact of the activity and quality of life in people or the environment, rather than the cumulative amount of money or other benefits in a given period. Sustainability of the company indicates that it is running as a business. The company goal is to achieve social goals. Some explanations of social business: This new concept provides for profit nothing wrong with it. Social enterprises are allowed to make a profit on the condition that profits are reinvested in the business, owners, investors or shareholders will not obtain personal gain beyond the amount equivalent to investment, but if they want they can partner and continue doing well or doing good social action.
Social enterprises are a new category of business. Established from the start based on nonprofit/and profit (ethical). This new form expands the market, providing a new option for consumers, adding to the competition without intent to monopolize the market. Bring a new dimension to world business, and create a new sense of social awareness among the business community.

As we approached the concept of social enterprise from the side of philanthropy, looks very convincing and logical. But why everything is based on philanthropy should be given? If some of these goals can be achieved more efficiently and sustainably on a business format (social), then why not go that route? After all, our aim is to achieve a social goal. But when you approach it from the side of orthodox business, tends to look a little out of tune. Why give up the profits? Why should anyone running a business, non-profit? It is illogical, and it takes everyone by surprise and goes perfectly to understand their surprise.
Let's clarify this: first of all the model is not asking anyone to give up business; any of their business, nor are asked to convert some of its businesses into social enterprises.

The idea of "giving up something" creates a tremendous shock. The Yunus Paradigm is, about creating social enterprises, is not asking anyone to "give up" anything. All that he is saying is that if you are worried about a social problem (while completely dedicated to your business enterprise routine); he has a message for you. You can make a significant contribution to solving the problem. If you put your mind to it seriously, we could even open the door to clear problem worldwide in economics you can always choose, that's the beauty of the system or even do both simultaneously. Having conventional business and / or engage in social enterprises you choose reinvest your money in your own company and do it. The company grows, benefits everyone within the same company, from the doorman to the owner, employer, clients, the community, the region, the country and even around the globe.

Effectively then you will have made a contribution to humanize the economy lost during its course by the greed of people who want to earn more, more, and more. As J.M. Keynes said so well - "what does that really matters, if, in the long run, we all will end up dead?" True, but in this case we will leave a legacy for future generations. We will have built new roads through the economy, but now looking at each other in front, with generosity, solidarity and goodness.
It is the unexploited part of our capabilities as human beings, we must begin to grow. This new seed is beginning to bear fruit, yet there are few who dare to share really, but those few have achieved unexpected results, figures of millions of people have overcome poverty line in just a couple of decades. Without such efforts were doomed to succumb, hopelessly despaired. Everybody can do something to go to the rescue, this time it will be a "bailout", but one with a face, of women, men, children and elderly. We put the economy and financial systems to serve humanity, not vice versa. The human being is first "Humana Primum"

Bernardo Javalquinto, Economist, University of Maryland AA, BSc, MBA, PhD